The best looks of January:coats,sweaters and more

Culminando el primer mes de 2018 observamos como los mejores estilismos dan pie a la moda en tan solo pocos días de haber comenzado una nueva jornada. A mí me inspiran y espero que a ustedes también. Aquí mis outfits preferidos de enero para iniciar una etapa de moda renovada, acuérdense que muy pronto empiezan nuevas fashion weeks y la primavera esta cada vez más cerca, no  pierdan el hilo con el blog cientos de consejos prácticos de moda y belleza serán compartidos y seguro te facilitaran un poquito la vida.
Culminating in the first month of 2018 we observe how the best stylings give rise to fashion in just a few days after having started a new year. They inspire me and I hope you do too. Here my favorite outfits of January to start a renewed fashion stage, remember that very soon start new fashion weeks and spring is getting closer, do not lose the thread with the blog hundreds of practical tips and beauty will be shared and I'm sure it'll make your life a little easier.

Andi Singer

Andi Singer


Bella Hadid


Stockholm fashion week

Stockholm Fashion Week

Stockholm fashion week




¿Cuál es tu preferido? no olvides seguiros en todas nuestras redes sociales, en especial en Instagram y Pinterest (nuestras favoritas).
What's your favorite? Do not forget to follow in all our social networks, especially in Instagram and Pinterest (our favorites).

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5 comentarios

  1. It's nice to see Carodaur featured here! He style is on point 24/7 and don't even get me started on her IG Stories - she's constantly on the go, and always in killer outfits!!

  2. I honestly love them all and can draw inspiration from each one. Awesome post!

  3. I just love these outfits! Definitely some awesome style inspiration!
    Victoria-Maria xx || Vidcaria

  4. Madre mía pura inspiración, las chicas danesas se están poniendo a la cabeza y en su FW lo demostraron.

    Te dejo mi nuevo post, abrigo de neopreno
