Natural Oils new trend ?
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Probar este popular concepto de belleza natural con productos orgánicos, veganos y libres de maltrato animal suena entusiasmarte, personalmente soy partidaria de conservar la belleza pura y fresca propia, no suelo invertir por productos con procedencia artificial o que contenga demasiados productos químicos ya que es dudosa el efecto que tenga sobre tu piel, en cambio los productos con ingredientes naturales puede que tenga menos efectos alérgicos en ti si sufres de frecuentes alergias en tu piel, además que los beneficios de estos son los mejores y el resultado a la larga están llenos de cambios positivos para tu salud.
Ahora así hablando de los aceites y el impacto por así decirlo en las líneas de cosméticos, que si bien se utilizaban antes de manera casera hoy en día el éxito de las firmas especializados en estos productos es impresionante, sin contar la gran publicidad que le proporcionan las redes sociales casi convirtiéndose en un estilo de fotos para subir de seguidores. Lo que más me atrae de los aceites a parte de sus beneficios son sin duda sus empaques, el frasco inspirado en medicina con letra sumamente pequeña que completa preciosas imágenes de Pinterest es encantador aunque un poco raro la similitud con medicinas para los oídos (jajaja).
Recopilé exhaustivamente algunos de mis aceites naturales favoritos, acompañados de sus beneficios y utilidad una lista bastante interesante. ¿Cuál es tu aceite preferido?
Try this popular concept of natural beauty with organic products, vegans and free of animal abuse, listening exciting, personally I am in favour of preserving the pure and fresh beauty of its own, I do not usually invest in products with artificial origin or that contains too many chemicals because it is doubtful the effect it has on your skin, instead products with natural ingredients may have fewer allergic effects on you If you suffer from frequent allergies in your skin, besides that the benefits of these are the best and the result in the long term are full of positive changes for your health.
Now talking about the oils and the impact so to speak in the cosmetics lines, that although they were used before homemade way before the success of the firms specializing in these products is impressive!,not to mention the great publicity that the social networks provide to product almost becoming a style of photos to climb of followers. What attracts me most of the oils to part of their benefits are undoubtedly their packaginginspired in the medicine with extremely small handwriting that completes precious images of Pinterest is charming although a little weird the similarity with medicines for the ears (lol ).
I compiled my favorite natural oils, accompanied by their benefits and usefulness a very interesting list. What is your favorite oil?
1.Tarte Maracuja Face Oil:
El aceite natural vegano de Tarte es uno de los mejores en
el mercado, los resultados son increíbles y beneficios para apariencia de tu
rostro, lo mejor de este es que se encuentra dirigido para casi todos los tipos
de piel: normal, seca, mixta y grasa ya que en el caso de que padezcas acné el
aceite te ayuda a controlar la producción de sebo, si es seca hidrata y
reafirma gracias a las propiedades de la maracuyá (rico en vitamina C).Otro
beneficio de los aceites es que la mayoría ayuda al rejuvenecimiento y sensibilidad
haciendo lucir tu piel saludable y radiante. La modo de empleo varia según como
lo quieras utilizar, si lo mezclas con tu base de maquillaje mejora el
resultado y previene la obstrucción de poros aunque utilizarlo individualmente
funciona tanto como la opción anterior.
The natural vegan oil of Tarte is one of the best in the market, the results are incredible and benefits for appearance of your face, the best of this is that it is directed for almost all types of skin: normal, dry, mixed and fat as in the case that suffer acne The oil helps you control the production of tallow, if is dry, hydrates and reaffirms thanks to the properties of passion fruit (rich in vitamin C).Another benefit of oils is that most helps rejuvenation and sensitivity by making your skin look healthy and radiant. The mode of use varies depending on how you want to use it, if you mix it with your makeup base it improves the result and prevents the pore obstruction although using it individually works as much as the previous option.
.2-Moroccanoil Pure Argan Oil:
Es una de las mejores opciones si quieres comprar un aceite
multiuso ya que sirve para acondicionar tanto tu piel corporal como las uñas y
el cabello, sin duda una gran inversión para conservar las propiedades y
mejoras que puede hacer un aceite natural en tu rutina de belleza diaria. El
producto en si es aceite de argán puro no graso que funciona para el
cuidado de pieles secas y sensibles, además que es un excelente remedio para el
cabello ya que mejora totalmente su apariencia devolviéndole vitalidad y
It's one of the best options if you want to buy a multi-purpose oil as it serves to condition both your body skin as nails and hair, no doubt a great investment to preserve the properties and improvements that can make a natural oil in your daily beauty routine . The product itself is pure non-fatty argan oil that works for the care of dry and sensitive skins, besides it is an excellent remedy for the hair since it completely improves its appearance returning vitality and brightness.
3-The oradinary Rose hip seed oil:
El aceite rosa mosqueta es uno de los más beneficiosos para
la piel, ya que contiene, ácido linolénico y provitamina A que ayudan a evitar
el fotoenvejenciemiento y otra afecciones de la piel. Incluirlo en tu rutina
diaria es una gran opción para mantener saludable tu rostro. El aceite 100%
natural y vegano de The ordinary es igualmente recomendable considerando su
precio la calidad es grandiosa tan buena como otro lujoso aceite.
Rosehip Oil is one of the most beneficial for the skin, as it contains, linolenic acid and provitamin A that help prevent photo-aging and other skin conditions. Including it in your daily routine is a great option to keep your face healthy. The ordinary oil 100% natural and vegan is equally advisable considering its price the quality is great as good as another luxurious oil.
4-Caudalie Vine [Activ Overnigth Detox Nigth oil:
El producto está diseñado para desintoxicar y curar la piel
de daños e impurezas que penetran en ella diariamente, contaminantes comunes y
factores estresantes que representa un cierto peligro para nuestro la salud de
nuestra piel. Es formulado a base de plantas naturales y se emplea como tratamiento
nocturno (HERE)
The product is designed to detoxify and cure the skin from damage and impurities that penetrate it daily, common contaminants and stressors that poses a certain danger to our health of our skin. It is formulated based on natural plants and is used as a night treatment.
5-Herbivore Jasmine Glowing Hydratation Body Oil:
Esta firma es conocida por sus productos 100% naturales,
libre de crueldad animal, gluten, veganos, y sin ningún tipo de conservantes y
fragancias artificiales en general una línea especialmente dedicado al mundo de la belleza natural. Como es de esperarse el aceite corporal de Herbivore es de
los mejores ya que su mayor componente es el jazmín sabac flor milenaria
utilizada para un sin fin de remedios caseros para la piel pues evita el envejecimiento
y mantiene suave y saludable tu rostro, además de tener una fragancia
embriagadora súper agradable.
This firm is known for its products 100% natural, free of animal cruelty, gluten, vegan, and without any preservatives and artificial fragrances in general a line especially dedicated to the world of natural beauty. As is to be expected the body oil of Herbivore is of the best since its major component is the jasmine sabac flower millenary used for an endless of homemade remedies for the skin as it avoids the ageing and keeps soft and healthy your face ,also to having a super-pleasing fragrance.
27 comentarios
Moroccan Oil's Argan Oil is certainly something I might just give a go; I've got such dry skin on my arms right now and so this sounds as though it could really help. Have a lovely weekend!
I love natural oils!
I'm literally using no creames anymore only oils an serums! Great product you choosed here
ResponderEliminarxx grace
Sounds really interesting, great picks too!
ResponderEliminarHave a lovely weekend :)
Rosanna x
Rose's Rooftop
I've been all about natural face oils too! The ones I've been using are from Beautycounter.
I love facial oils!
I also love!!
I LOVE that these products are vegan and cruelty free! Sometimes it's hard to find companies with high moral standards and don't have tons of chemicals in them. These look amazing. I want the Tarte one NOW!
ResponderEliminarThanks so much for the perfect recommendations!
Susie |
I haven't heard of these oils before but it's interesting to learn the good things they do for your skin! Thanks for sharing!
looks like great products!
Thank youuu!!
Me llaman la atención, quizás algún día me anime y los pruebe.
ResponderEliminarBesitos y feliz fin de semana
Animate, los aceites naturales son muy buenos para la piel, un beso para ti y feliz semana!!
EliminarI love using rose hip oil!
I love too
EliminarMe encanta cualquier producto que contenga aceites esenciales!!
ResponderEliminarGracias por las recomendaciones!
Que tengas buen fin de semana!
Seize your Style
Gracias a ti por leerlo
EliminarSo many great oils out there! Love anything with argan oil, it's my favorite.
Yes, it´s very good
EliminarI have been noticing the natural oil trend. It seems like everyone is doing it.
Yes they have many benefits
EliminarThank you for this list. I haven't try any oil but I think I will love these!
ResponderEliminarStyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova
Try it!
EliminarLove natural oils, great post!
Thank you dear
EliminarThank you very much
I love this post! :)