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Dior Cruise Makeup |
Como terminar los cruceros sin su lado makeup, y sin retribuir por sus hazañas en la moda; hace ya bastante tiempo que quería enseñarles las tendencias claves de las temporadas en maquillaje, pero nunca se me había dado la oportunidad o tenía suficientes post que realizar que lo atrasé cada vez más, puesto que los cruceros culminaron y la Haute Couture tiene un enfoque Otoño-Invierno, me parece lo adecuado para este Pre-Fall donde todavía permanecemos en el verano, aunque el otoño este pisándonos los talones.
Empecemos con la cuenta guiándonos por cada uno de los cruceros anteriormente publicados, si no los has visto ingresa ¡ahora!.
As ending the cruises without their makeup side, and without rewarding for her feats in fashion; It's been a long time since I wanted to show you the key trends of the seasons in make-up, but I had never been given the opportunity or had so many post to perform that delay the realization of this more and more, since the cruises culminated and haute couture has an autumn-winter approach, I think the right thing for this pre-fall where we still stay in the summer , although the autumn this on the heels.
Let us begin with the account guided by each one of the cruises previously published,if you have not seen them enter now!
1-Chanel Crucero: Delineados Cat Eye
Los delineados requeridos para el crucero de Chanel, tienen una esencia egipcia por su forma y características, que era de esperarse debido al tema escogido por la firma para el crucero.
En detalle me parece fenomenal este delineado pues alarga el ojo y si tu forma es caída, lanzara tu mirada desviando ese problemita. Hacerlo es verdaderamente sencillo solo un buen delineador y pulso adecuado si acaso es complicado guíate por un papel para hacerlo recto y hacia arriba.
Completar el look Chanel en makeup es igualmente simple, por lo general sus diseños eran acompañados por un buen delineado y piel limpia al igual que los labios, claro no completamente sin maquillaje pero si con esa onda.
The delineated required for the Chanel cruise, have an Egyptian essence by its shape and characteristics, which was to be expected due to the subject chosen by the firm for the cruise.
En detail is phenomenal this delineated as it elongates the eye and if your shape is fallen, throw your gaze deflecting that problem. Doing it is really simple just a good eyeliner and proper pulse if it is complicated guide your through a paper to make it straight and upward.
Complete the look Chanel in makeup is equally simple, usually their designs were accompanied by a good delineated and clean skin with the lips, of course not completely without make-up but with that wave.
2-Dior Crucero: lo mejor de los tonos melocotones y tez fresca
El numero uno de todos (para mí),el maquillaje más adecuado para la temporada, está claro que le pertenece a Dior, su concepto cálido, vivaz y verdaderamente hermoso que cautivo no solo a la crítica más prestigiada sino al público fanático de la casa de moda.
No es solo el tono rosado suave de sus pieles si no el melocotón de sus labios (si, si muy poético), pero es que me quedo sin palabras simplemente precioso, me encanta, me encanta, me encanta todo este estilo me encanta, jajaja muy pesada con Dior lo sé.
Para lograr ese efecto en tu piel, necesitas un blush coral, iluminadores sutiles y bases acarameladas, además de un buen gloss que refiera al melocotón.
2-Dior Cruise: The best of the peach tones and fresh complexion
The number one of all (for me), the most suitable make-up for the season, it is clear that it belongs to Dior, its concept warm, vivacious and truly beautiful that captive not only to the most prestigious criticism but to the public fanatic of the house of fashion.
Is not only the soft pink tone of their skins if not the peach of their lips (yes,) if very poetic, but is that I run out of words simply beautiful, I love, I love, I love all this style I love it, lol I'm very heavy with Dior, i know
to achieve that effect on your skin, you need a coral blush, subtle illuminators and caramelized bases, plus a good gloss that refers to the peach.
The number one of all (for me), the most suitable make-up for the season, it is clear that it belongs to Dior, its concept warm, vivacious and truly beautiful that captive not only to the most prestigious criticism but to the public fanatic of the house of fashion.
Is not only the soft pink tone of their skins if not the peach of their lips (yes,) if very poetic, but is that I run out of words simply beautiful, I love, I love, I love all this style I love it, lol I'm very heavy with Dior, i know
to achieve that effect on your skin, you need a coral blush, subtle illuminators and caramelized bases, plus a good gloss that refers to the peach.
3-Prada: los labios rojos más trillados
Me parece cansado observar nuevamente el estilo de maquillaje de labios vibrantes y piel ultra pálida, sabemos que es de ese tipo que nunca falla pero me gustaría más creatividad para la próxima, pues no solo son las piezas que expones también el maquillaje tiene su lugar.
Para hacer una repasada el look de Prada es el más sencillo de efectuar, es necesario tener un lápiz labial, eso sí que sea precioso y duradero, y tus clásicos elementos para sellar la piel es decir polvo un poquito de base, rimmer para pestañas y si tienes algo de imperfecciones en las cejas acomodarlas, ya que, vemos cejas perfectas en el look Prada.
3-Prada: The most threshed red lips
I find tired to observe again the style make-up of vibrating lips make-up and ultra pale skin, we know that it is of that type that never fails but I would like more creativity for the next, because not only are the pieces that expose also the make-up has its place.
To make a review the look of Prada is the easiest to make, you need to have a lipstick, that be beautiful and durable, and your classic elements to seal the skin is to say dust a little bit of base, Rimmer for eyelashes and if you have some imperfections in the eyebrows accommodate them, because, we see perfect eyebrows in the look of Prada.
I find tired to observe again the style make-up of vibrating lips make-up and ultra pale skin, we know that it is of that type that never fails but I would like more creativity for the next, because not only are the pieces that expose also the make-up has its place.
To make a review the look of Prada is the easiest to make, you need to have a lipstick, that be beautiful and durable, and your classic elements to seal the skin is to say dust a little bit of base, Rimmer for eyelashes and if you have some imperfections in the eyebrows accommodate them, because, we see perfect eyebrows in the look of Prada.
4-Louis Vuitton o la casa más creativa
Si, si si por fin llegamos a mi parte favorita donde el color se adueña de nuestro rostro y los implementos básicos son dejados a un lado. Conste que Dior es mi favorito, sin embargo LV me impresiona captando verdaderamente el estilo japonés étnico que deseaban, aplausos duraderos por esto. Sencillamente se lucieron, nuevamente me encanta.
No es muy práctico salir a trabajar con delineados tan llamativos o líneas en tu rostro coloridas, jaja se me hace gracioso solo pensarlo, aunque incorporar tan solo un poquito de ellos es merecedor.
Si eres fan de LV estoy segura que quieres intentar el maquillaje, lo que necesitaras nuevamente un delineador, lápices para pintar tus cejas, sombras, blush extremadamente coloridos, y algún polvo suelto nuevamente colorido.
4-Louis Vuitton or the most creative house
Yes, if if finally we get to my favorite part where the color is takes of our face and the basic implements are left aside. Note that Dior is my favorite, however LV impress me by capturing truly the ethnic Japanese style they wanted, lasting applause for this. They simply excelled again I love it.
Is not very practical to go out to work with delineated so eye-catching or lines in your face colorful, haha it makes me funny just think, but incorporate just a little of them is deserving.
If you're a LV fan I'm sure you want to try the make-up, what you will need again a eyeliner, pencils to paint your eyebrows, shadows, blush extremely colorful, and a loose powder again colorful
Yes, if if finally we get to my favorite part where the color is takes of our face and the basic implements are left aside. Note that Dior is my favorite, however LV impress me by capturing truly the ethnic Japanese style they wanted, lasting applause for this. They simply excelled again I love it.
Is not very practical to go out to work with delineated so eye-catching or lines in your face colorful, haha it makes me funny just think, but incorporate just a little of them is deserving.
If you're a LV fan I'm sure you want to try the make-up, what you will need again a eyeliner, pencils to paint your eyebrows, shadows, blush extremely colorful, and a loose powder again colorful
5-Gucci cejas ocultas y pequeños toques de brillo
Esta tendencia sí que es molesta, odio que las cejas sean ocultadas pues proporcionan carácter a tu rostro y en mi opinión se ve de mal gusto o no favorable. El hecho de tener cejas no visibles y sutiles no hace ver de mal manera a tu rostro, sin embargo el ocultarlas descaradamente si.
No critico a Gucci pues tomo lo mejor de lo peor, aunque es cierto que su temática era renacentista y en la época la "moda" por así decirlo era no tenerlas. Los apliques impuestos en los lagrimales, sienes y cejas fueron un detalle bonito. El método para ocultar las cejas con brillo estuvo sencillo y a pesar de odiarlo diría que hasta bonito, los demás elementos en el look Gucci no son resaltantes ya que las pieles se encontraban limpias alguno que otro detalle para cubrir las imperfecciones pero en general fue muy limpio su maquillaje nada favorable si no neutro.
This trend is annoying, I hate that eyebrows are hidden because they provide character to your face and in my opinion it looks in bad taste or not favorable. The fact of having non-visible and subtle eyebrows does not make your face look so bad, but to hide them blatantly yes.
Not criticize Gucci because I take the best of the worst, although it is true that its theme was Renaissance and at the time the "trend" so to speak was not to have the eyebrows so marked. The appliques on the lacrimal, temples and eyebrows were a nice detail. The method to hide the eyebrows with shine was simple and despite hating it I would say that until pretty, the other elements in the Gucci look are not highlight as the skins were clean one that another detail to cover the imperfections but in general was very clean their makeup nothing favorable if not neutral.
6-Moschino la idea más ostentosa de usar sombras para ojos
Ya se hacía aburrido el post con tanta sencillez en el makeup; era inevitable que Moschino no causara diversión en todos los aspectos, fue como en el titulo ostentoso y extravagante no demasiado pero si lo suficiente para querer usar sombras de colores todos los días, jajajaja es enserio la manera en la que aplicaron las sombras como el rosa, verde morado y azul fue muy positiva al igual que el colorete e iluminador
6-Moschino the most ostentatious idea of using shades for eyes
The post was already becoming boring with so many simplicity in the makeup; it was inevitable that Moschino was not causing diversion in all the aspects, It was inevitable that Moschino did not cause fun in all respects, it was like in the ostentatious and extravagant title not too much but enough to want to use colored shadows every day hahahaha is really the way in which to apply them the shades like the rose, purple and blue green was very positive as the rouge and illuminator
The post was already becoming boring with so many simplicity in the makeup; it was inevitable that Moschino was not causing diversion in all the aspects, It was inevitable that Moschino did not cause fun in all respects, it was like in the ostentatious and extravagant title not too much but enough to want to use colored shadows every day hahahaha is really the way in which to apply them the shades like the rose, purple and blue green was very positive as the rouge and illuminator
7-Valentino o como crear una mirada matadora
El titulo es gracioso y el maquillaje también, su seriedad y profundidad lo hacen divertido, puesto que Valentino siempre ha tenido ese estilo ya hay que verlo de otra manera para no hacerlo repetitivo.
Nuevamente utiliza el enfoque hacia los ojos el delineado tanto arriba como abajo es decir todo el ojo contorneado, oscuro y dramatico muy lady dark ya visto en la maison que a llevado este concepto por varias temporadas.
The title is funny and the make-up also, its seriousness and depth make it fun, since Valentino has always had that style and you have to see it in another way to not do it repetitive.
8-Miu Miu devuelta a los 80s
Ya hemos conversado del maquillaje que aprueba todos los escenarios, el de la acentuación en los labios, elegido nuevamente por la diseñadora Muiccia Prada para la pasarela automovilística de Miu Miu.
El giro favorecedor de este crucero fueron los tonos escogidos para los labios es decir el morado y fucsia que asemeja bastante al maquillaje ochentero y más aun si su cabello es de ese estilo rizado y con moño de la época
We have already discussed the make-up that approves all the scenarios, the accentuation on the lips, chosen again by the designer Muiccia Prada for the car runway of Miu Miu.
The flattering turn of this cruiser were the chosen shades for the lips that is the purple and fuchsia that is quite similar to the eighties makeup and even more if your hair is of that curly style and with a bun of the time
The flattering turn of this cruiser were the chosen shades for the lips that is the purple and fuchsia that is quite similar to the eighties makeup and even more if your hair is of that curly style and with a bun of the time
82 comentarios
Nice post! I love these products!
Thank you so much girl
El post es muy bueno e interesante. ME GUSTO MUCHO!
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Que bueno que te haya gustado, me alegra, gracias por comentar!!
Buenos Lunes mi bella!!!!! Me ha encantado el post !!!
ResponderEliminar#buenosdias #lunesito #lomejordemi #bloggercubana #cubanosporelmundo #cubanblogger
Te dejo mi post por si quieres echarle un vistazo:
Que tengas un lindo dia y un buen comienzo de semana!!!!!
Muchas muchas muchas gracias por tu comentario tan dulce
What an awesome inspo!
Thank you very much babe
Eliminarmuy buen post!
ResponderEliminarni favorito es Dior,
feliz agosto,
Muchas linda por tu comentario; Dior casi siempre es mi favorito sus colecciones son simplemente preciosas
Eliminargreat round up, I love the cat eye make=up. lovely products to choose from
Thank you very much, it's always nice to see you in the comments, dear.
EliminarThe crazy eye makeup is my fave! It takes a real talent to do that xx
It's true it's not as easy as it sounds, lol thanks for comment
EliminarMe quedo con los tonos melocoton y con el delineado egipcio. Los demás me parecen muy raros o extravagantes.
ResponderEliminarTe dejo mi nuevo post, con crop top vichy y el atardecer
Es cierto los otros tipos de maquillajes son más complicados de aplicar a diario, muchas gracias por tu opinion es muy bueno saberla
What great post! Love these make-up! xx
ResponderEliminarCoco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin
omg so many amazing runway looks! especially the pearl one!
Thank you for your sweet comment.
EliminarBeautiful looks! =o)
EliminarWow so many great looks!
ResponderEliminarxx- Nina
Thanks for comment!!!!
Wow these looks are beautiful some more wearable than others but still very pretty :)
Thank you so mcuh darlig, You are right some are not so wearable
EliminarWow, such gorgeous looks!
ResponderEliminarEnclothed Cognition
Thank you so much for comment!
EliminarLove those make-up looks!
ResponderEliminarxo Vanessa from www.Trendique-Magazine.com
Thank you Vanessa for comment!!!!!
Gorgeous looks. They are great picks and great brands. xoxo Cris
Thank you so much babe!
Eliminarughhhh... such a great inspo! thank you for sharing dear...
instagram @grace_njio
Thank you to for comment!!!!
loving the make up!
style frontier
Thanks babe!
ResponderEliminarYou look so outstanding! Amazing!
ResponderEliminarMens Shoes Online India
Thank you very much!
EliminarLoved reading the post! Totally agree with you about the Gucci hidden eyebrow trend! Love the Chanel Cruise and Dior Cruise the most! Thanks for sharing and have a nice day!
Love the Dior makeup - natural and not "done"
ResponderEliminar♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.
Great post!
Una monada
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Using Ketosis for Own Benefit
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Slim Naturals Ingredients used in Slim Naturals
One of the primary aspect that enhances the natural ketosis procedure in the frame and leads to a short loss in weight. It helps inside the burning of fats and to achieve power for the body.
Wakame Fucoxanthin
It naturally reasons weight loss by restarting your body’s manner of burning fat.
It works as an urge for food suppressant and additionally controls hunger feelings. Moreover, it also keeps the energy level of the body high.
Apple Cider Vinegar
It is an essential element of this product. It is beneficial in enhancing the digestion and metabolism of fat. It additionally limits the speed of fats formation.
Garcinia Cambogia
It restricts the expansion of fat cells and additionally inhibits the manufacturing of extra fats cells in the frame.
Lemon Extract
It works as a cleansing agent; it detoxifies the whole frame (particularly capillaries and veins)
Raspberry ketones
They play an crucial role in losing excess fatty layers. These ketones also raise the metabolic weight to decorate the burning of fats.
Guarana extract
It makes you mentally sturdy.
Garcinia cambogia
It is famous for improving the metabolism of the frame. HCA is included in it which control your ingesting behavior and starvation. It is beneficial in making your frame narrow, match, and wholesome.
Coffee extract
It relaxes your frame and frame. It reduces stress and makes your mind relax and peaceful.
Coconut Oil:
It controls your weight by way of improving your digestive gadget.
The frame needs lots of energy or minerals to meet energy necessities. Slim Naturals contain many vitamins to keep you focused and active.
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ResponderEliminarLa revue:
Eclipse Keto Je m'appelle Roxy et j'ai 32 ans. En raison de mon poids corporel extrême, je ne pourrais probablement pas porter la robe idéale. J'étais en détresse et stressée à cause de ma structure corporelle. J'ai essayé avec quelques améliorations, cependant, aucune ne m'a donné d'excellents résultats. Enfin, je suis venu à penser à Eclipse Keto Diet qui est considéré comme le meilleur complément pour mes critères de réduction de poids. J'ai commencé à utiliser l'amélioration normalement et à obtenir des résultats positifs. J'étais extrêmement satisfait de mon article. De toute évidence, je suis prêt à porter tous les placards comme les pantalons minces, les vêtements populaires et les collants de manière efficace qu'à tout moment dans la mémoire récente. Je prescris également l'article à d'autres personnes qui rencontrent des problèmes de corpulence comme moi.
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It should needs physician recommendation earlier than its usage
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You now not want to sit up straight for days to go into ketosis as you want to do the use of a Keto healthy eating plan. Rapid Boost Keto Diet want to fantastic take an hour at the identical time as you’ve ate up it, to take your body into ketosis. You can in truth test the ketone tiers to your device via manner of using Keto strips in reality to ensure the supplement is functioning.
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ResponderEliminarAnd, that’s what our bodies use symptom for. During symptom, your typify performer destroyed its fat stores to alter vim. In new be counted, it stops oxidation carbs for doe and reactionary cuts fattened its fats shops. So, the earth born you act in acetone, the a great deal fat you value be capable of lose.
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